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How to create a tooltip with HTML and CSS

Learn how to create a tooltip in HTML and CSS step by step

1 - First we create the tooltip container

I am the toooltip container, hover me !

2 - Create the tooltip text with position absolute

I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text

3 - Show the tooltip only on hover

I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text

4 - Add a nice appear in transition

I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text

5 - Create a small arrow to show the direction

I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text

6 - Create the version with tooltip at the bottom

Trick : To position the arrow in the middle of the tooltip text, use either {left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%)} or {top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%)}
I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text

Toooltip text from the bottom, hover me ! Here the text

7 - 💪🏼 Now let's add more text inside the tooltip and hover the first tooltip

You can see the tooltip arrow position is wrong. Can you fix it ? (solutions in the next two steps)
I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text of the tooltip with even more text with even more text

Toooltip text from the bottom, hover me ! Here the text of the tooltip with even more text with even more text

8 - ✍️ Fix #1: keep the arrow in the tooltip text and move the tooltip text up

I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text of the tooltip with even more text with even more text

Toooltip text from the bottom, hover me ! Here the text of the tooltip with even more text with even more text

9 - ✍️ Fix #2: use a fixed position of the tooltip relative to the top of the tooltip text

I am the toooltip container, hover me ! Here the text of the tooltip with even more text with even more text

Toooltip text from the bottom, hover me ! Here the text of the tooltip with even more text with even more text
I've got a challenge for you !
Reproduce the left and bottom versions of the tooltip
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